Dear friend,
After 12 years managing The Expanding Light, I will be changing jobs within Ananda. I will be picking up some of the responsibilities of my friend Latika, who has done a great job as the General Manager of the Ananda Church of Self-Realization of Nevada County for even longer. Thank you Latika. Latika will keep some of the roles she is already filling, overseeing Financial, Corporate and Legal matters. I will be helping by partnering with her as the General Manager, working on the operations side.
My wife Lalaan, who has beautifully managed Marketing Communications for The Expanding Light for almost 14 years, (and who has given to the Retreat and its guests in many other ways), is transitioning into heading up Ananda Spiritual Travels, a department of The Expanding Light. Thank you Lalaan.
Taking over management of The Expanding Light is my friend, Anastasia Kirsch. This is a chance for Ananda Village to continue shifting roles to our younger members. I feel great about Ana stepping in. She will be working with our Online programming team, considering when and how we can reopen the physical campus, and working with others on the future directions of The Expanding Light. Thank you Ana.
I also would like to thank the many remarkable and giving people I have served with at The Expanding Light over the years. You are the channels through whom Master makes it happen.Thank you.
Favorite activities over the years have including interacting with our guests, and creating eNotes and writing these little letters to you. Hearing back from you has been even better! Thank you all for your connections to The Expanding Light and Ananda!
I have always been inspired by knowing that this work is Paramhansa Yogananda’s work. We are his channels. My love for Him is expressed in the poem below. Thank you Master.
As I know you do – please continue to share the Light. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you think you are on the spiritual path. Share the Light. We are blessed by what passes through us. Thank YOU!
God bless and keep you.