God Loves You
Everything that comes to us comes from God.
Dining Room
- Partially funded by two donations, we have new attractive and very comfortable chairs, and a new coffee table, in front of the fireplace
- You may not notice, as the color is similar, but all the tables have new cloths
- We have new lighting for the Dining Room, which we hope to get installed prior to Spiritual Renewal Week
Ladies Shower House
- We ripped out the old and rebuilt the showers
- All cabins now have air conditioning
- We've redone Bliss Cabin, including new flooring;
The expression ascribed to Abe Lincoln: “If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six sharpening my ax.” is unfortunately apocryphal.
The Expanding Light Retreat
The Expanding Light is a non-profit ministry. We rely on donations to do all we do.
50th Anniversary of Ananda
Next summer, 2019, there will be a wonderful big event to celebrate our 50th, dedicate the new Temple of Light, and incorporate some aspects of Spiritual Renewal Week. Sunday June 30th through Sunday July 7th. There will not be a separate Spiritual Renewal Week in 2019. The Expanding Light is filling up fast. In a few weeks, there will be more info available with other accommodation options.
We are so grateful to our guests, for whom The Expanding Light exists. Thank you for blessing us with the opportunity to serve you!

Joy to you,