April 2017 Newsletter

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Dear friend,

Challenge Authority” says the bumper sticker.

All of us, in our countless previous incarnations, have lived numerous lives of oppression. Many have experienced suppression in this life. A natural response of the ego is to automatically oppose authority. It's easy to understand this inclination, as all souls have an innate desire for freedom. While this response can be useful, any automatic response must be examined. We should exercise discrimination in our view of the world and in our responses.

If we are disciples of a Guru, or are actively working with God, opposing authority won't work in the spiritual arena. In this case, the authority is working to free us! Our best hope for freedom is to accept this authority, to tune in and be guided by this higher power.

When attempting to know God's will, it is easy to be deceived by desires and delusions. While each path is individual, we can get guidance from those who have walked before us. Their wisdom and a helping hand can be of immeasurable benefit.

Go with God,

  • April 21 - 23, 2017

Led by Maitri Jones

Increase your health and well-being.

During this 2-day program, you will learn techniques of yoga to improve your health in body, mind, and spirit.

Discover the healing power of posture, movement, energy flows, breath, self-talk, and focus. Gain important self-assessment and therapeutic techniques, and get support to go deeper in applying what you learn into your daily practice.

Yoga therapy can be used for easing of symptoms, prevention of illness, and an improved sense of well-being. Yoga therapy works at deeper levels of being, where health challenges originate.

Class size is limited, so please register early.

Apply today!

Inspiration from Kriyananda

"The truth is, those who think to go straight to God and Guru, without help from others, have not yet learned the humility necessary to advance much on the path. The wise devotee, rather, knowing how difficult it is at all times to get out of delusion, is eager for any guidance he can get on his journey."

In Divine Friendship: Letters of Counsel and Reflection - Crystal Clarity Publishers

Ananda Holistic Health Retreat
Achieving Glowing Health and Vitality

  • May 7 - 12, 2017

Nursing CEU Eligible: 15 hours CEU

Re-invent your life!

Give yourself the gift of self-discovery through this immersion in healthy living.

  • Increase your health and wellness
  • Manage stress and increase your inner peace and calmness
  • Transform unwanted habits
  • Create a healthy diet that works with your own needs
  • Find more balance in your life
  • Exercise regularly and love it!

Your Retreat includes:

  • Instruction in a meditation technique that will work wonders for you, even if you've never had luck with meditation before!
  • Daily affirmation walks
  • Guided yoga techniques for greater energy
  • A comprehensive reference manual for radiant health
  • 3 delicious and healthy vegetarian meals daily
  • Menus and recipes for healthy meals to take home with you
  • Help to create a plan for healthy changes in your lifestyle

Change your life for the better!

Learn More!
Upcoming Sample Programs:

A Women's Retreat: Deepening Your Heart and Soul Strengths

Practical Spiritual Tools for Daily Life

An Easter Retreat

Overcoming Bad Feelings: Using Ananda's Version of Yoga Nidra

Therapeutic Yoga Retreat

Life, Death, and Beyond: For Living Life More Fully

Wisdom of Yogananda: Tools for Success and Happiness

Free Yourself From Stress Retreat

Learn How to Meditate Retreat: Techniques for Peace of Mind & Balanced Living

Life Transitions: What's My Next Step?

Prenatal Yoga Retreat

See the full calendar here

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