Dear friend,
Soon after my Dad passed away some years ago, I was walking on a Florida beach with my old friend Dr. Walter Drew. Walter is the founder of the Institute for Self-Active Education. I served as the Board Chairman and worked closely with Walter for years. To spend time with him is to have your heart opened. After some hours of our being together, we were walking as we talked. I was feeling wide open. I felt my father’s spirit move into my body. Dad and I were very close. His spirit filled me from the top of my head to above my knees. I said “Walter, I can’t talk right now, my Dad’s spirit is filling me up!” This experience lasted several minutes. It was quite extraordinary.
When my brother John left his body, I asked Nayaswami Trimurti to lead the Astral Ascension Ceremony. Later, Trimurti told me that during the ceremony, he had observed John visiting. When I asked what John was doing, Trimurti said he was very interested in the ceremony and asking “what ceremony is this?” This is exactly what I’d expect of my brother. My wife, Lalaan, also saw my brother during the Astral Ascension. She saw him beside me, thanking me for loving him.
After my mother died, two of my sisters had very similar visitations. Mum had had a hard life and at times was hard on my sisters. She lived to be almost 90. After her passing, one sister saw her in a dream, and the other while meditating. My mother appeared young and happy and said, “Remember me like this!” Okay Mum, I do.
The veil separating us from the next life is a thin one. The great ones have taught us that how we live here and how we leave this world will determine the astral plane we next visit. It’s worth the effort to rise as much as we can.

May your life be filled with joy,