Ananda Yoga® Therapy Training
An Accredited Program of the International Association of Yoga Therapists
We are not currently accepting new students in the Ananda Yoga Therapy Training
“Become a Powerful Yoga Therapist ” – Mangala Powers
Ananda Yoga Therapy Training prepares students to:
- Empower clients to live a more balanced and happier life
- Assist medical professionals in finding solutions for clients' various challenges
- Help people find a completely new relationship with their bodies and minds. Soaring to new heights in their spiritual development.
- Be a general practitioner of the science of yoga to help people progress toward improved health and wellbeing
- Discover the desired setting for you to work either from home, studio or in a medical environment
Ananda Yoga Therapy is based on the teachings of Raja Yoga as interpreted by Paramhansa Yogananda and his direct disciple, Swami Kriyananda. We view physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness as inseparable. Therefore, we personalize Ananda techniques to stimulate radiant vitality of the individual's body, mind and spirit.

Ananda Yoga® Therapy Training offers:
- Highly skilled and educated faculty with experience in clinical settings
- International Accreditation
- Affordable, doable training – you set the pace
- Current information and research blended with ancient Vedic teachings
- Opportunity for self-exploration and growth
- School facilities are within a beautiful retreat environment
To read more about Ananda Yoga Therapy and our Approach, Click Here
Share the Light
Our goal is to train experienced yoga teachers to become competent yoga therapists within the tradition of Ananda Yoga and its focus on guiding people toward ever higher expressions of themselves in body, mind, and spirit. All faculty and staff have applied these techniques in their own life journey and are passionate about helping others take their next step forward. Our staff is accessible and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.
International Accreditation
Since 2014, Ananda YogaTM Therapy Training, a program of the Ananda School of Yoga & Meditation, has been accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT). We were one of the first 12 schools to be accredited by IAYT. Read More...
This certification training is an 860 hour modular program beyond your initial 200-hour (or more) training as a yoga teacher. It takes place primarily at The Expanding Light Retreat, although approximately 124 of those hours are completed at home as Home Practicum Assignments. See Program Structure for more info.