Avital Miller
Ananda Meditation and AnandaYoga Instructor
As Avital practiced her yoga postures during a backpacking trip around the world, people began asking her to teach them. She discovered great joy in sharing something she loved and helping to bring inner peace to many people. In 2004 she became a certified Ananda Yoga Instructor. She immediately started running her own outdoor yoga business, managed yoga and fitness programs at the YMCA, and became a teacher trainer.
Longing to share the deeper aspects of yoga postures and the spiritual path, Avital moved to Ananda Village. Here she has worked as an Ananda Yoga Teacher Trainer and the Sales and Marketing Director for Crystal Clarity Publishers, Ananda’s publishing company. She teaches on the road to help promote Crystal Clarity’s books, and has found her program on the book How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality to be especially popular.
Avital has a professional background in dance and has created spiritual dance performances, as well as movement programs, to help people direct their energy to the Divine. Avital received a Dance Major at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, and studied Dance Movement Therapy. She has performed various styles of dance around the world, and is thrilled to now use those skills to help people connect to spirituality.
Avital says:
“While I am careful to express spiritual principles so that they are clear and easy to understand, what is most important to me is that people feel a touch of love in their hearts, joy in their spirits, or peace in their minds.”
“Avital Miller embodies and represents the many qualities of a true yogi and leader. I first met Avital during the YTT in 2010, and felt fortunate to have the privilege and gift of her teachings. She does not only do yoga, she completely surrenders to and embraces the lifestyle that many yearn for as a dedicated practitioner of this ancient, powerful practice of yoga. Her warm spirit and congenial personality give everyone around her a sense of calmness, trust, care, openness, and love….I consider Avital a true blessing and a gift to our world.”
—Newton Campbell, E-RYT 200, Newport Beach, CA
“Not many people have the gift of enthusiasm plus "follow through" like Avital. More importantly, she has the gift of kindness and generosity from her heart to others."
—A. M., Nevada City, CA
“Avital has such a calm and easy way about her that it really made learning stress-free.”
—J. V., Orlando, FL
“I have seen so many dance performances...to some of them, their ego and title alone gets into dancing ...So, what is dance...It is an art to draw cosmic energy through mudras / bhavas by creating ripples in the cosmic ocean and pass it to the observer to reap the benefits of Joy and Ecstasy if not bliss...You justified this definition. You are the best in dancing...What a commitment and capacity to perform even in the small space. We are grateful to you.”
—Vijay Mohan, Chennai, India
“Avital, through her dance reminiscent of higher realms, brings a joy to her audience that touches the heart. The grace of human form and movement shine through her smile as well as her steps. A performance not to be missed!”
—Lila Devi, author and founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences, Assisi, Italy
Staff Teachers
- Arya Cheng
- Brahmachari Dhananjaya Denholm
- Catherine Kairavi
- Diksha McCord
- Gyandev McCord
- Krishnadas LoCicero
- Mangala (Sue) Loper-Powers
- Mantradevi LoCicero
- Melody Hansen
- Sundara Traymar
- Trimurti Motyka
Guest Teachers
- Alba Simaku
- Amala Cathleen Elliott
- Annapurna DeLyle
- Atman Goering
- Badri Matlock
- Barbara Bingham
- Bhawani Isaacson
- Carianne James
- Dana Lynne Andersen
- David Kletter
- David Seybert
- Dayavati Barsic
- Devalila Veenhof
- Dhyan Garcia-Davis
- Dr. Peter Van Houten
- Erin Vinacco
- Ganesha
- Gayatri Kretzmann
- Irene Schulman
- Jaya Bottaro-Salisbury
- Jitendra Guindon
- Joseph Selbie
- Julie Roberts
- Karen Buckner
- Keshava Betts
- Keshava Taylor
- Lakshmi LaPine
- Maitri Jones
- Matthew Fredrickson
- Michele Tsihlas
- Miriam Rodgers
- Mukti Deranja
- Murali Venkatrao
- Nayaswami Devi
- Nayaswami Jaya
- Nayaswami Jyotish
- Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi Novak
- Nayaswami Maria
- Nayaswami Pranaba
- Nayaswami Pranaba and Nayaswami Parvati
- Nayaswami Premdas
- Nayaswami Sagar
- Nayaswami Sahaja
- Nicole DeAvilla
- Peter Sanjaya Kretzmann
- Saiganesh Sairaman
- Sambhava Burke
- Sanjan Thelen
- Shanti Rubenstone, M.D.
- Shyama Garcia Davis
- Therese Smith
- Tim Tschantz
- Tracy Anderson
- Uma Bottaro
- Vahini Sleighter
- Vivekadevi Noh-Kuhn
- Yudhisthira Doug Andrews