Nayaswami Pranaba and Nayaswami Parvati

Kriyacharyas, Ananda Ministers, Hatha and Raja Yoga Teachers, Director of Ananda Sangha and the Janaka Foundation
What is a nayaswami?

Pranaba and Parvati Hansen

Nayaswamis Pranaba and Parvati are two of Ananda’s most widely traveled and experienced ministers. They helped to create and direct Ananda centers in Palo Alto, Portland, Seattle, Dallas, and Assisi, Italy. Together they have been sharing Yogananda’s teachings for a combined 80 years. Pranaba has been Director of the Ananda Yoga Teacher Training program and Manager of The Ananda School of Yoga & Mediation, as well as Ananda’s Retreat in Assisi, Italy. Pranaba has directed the membership training program at Ananda Village and has coordinated Ananda's Meditation Centers and Groups. He now manages Ananda Sangha Worldwide, Ananda's outreach ministry. An excellent teacher, he is known for his unfailing kindness and gentle approach.

Parvati currently administers the Janaka Foundation at Ananda. She combines deep inwardness with a childlike delight in the spiritual teachings. Both Parvati and Pranaba exemplify Yogananda’s definition of a yogi: A yogi is even-minded and cheerful at all times..

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Toll free 800-346-5350
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