Welcome to the Holistic Health Self-Assessment Quiz. Please rate your level for each of the questions below. After you finish answering all the questions, click the submit button to instantly receive your scores.
How would you rate your: | Poor Fluctuating Fair Good Excellent |
1. Day to day energy level? |
2. Sense of well being? |
3. Resilience to colds, flus and allergies? |
4. Speed of recovery from infections? |
5. Overall digestion? |
6. Food cravings & overall dietary choices? |
7. Capacity to exercise? |
8. Condition of your nervous system? |
9. Condition of organs of sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste? |
10. Overall health? |
11. Is your body weight appropriate for your frame? |
Never Rarely Sometimes Mostly Always |
12. How frequently do you have headaches, muscle, joint aches or pains? |
13. How often does a disease or condition of the body energetically limit you? |
14. How often can you control or alter any diseases you already have? |
15. Is it easy to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night? |
16. How often do you sleep more than 8 hours a day? |
17. How regularly do you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed? |
18. How much are you able to work in meaningful way or serve others? |
How would you rate your: | Poor Fluctuating Fair Good Excellent |
19. Overall mental health? |
20. Self esteem, self acceptance? |
21. Closest relationships (spouse, parents, children etc)? |
22. Friendships and acquaintances? |
How frequently do you have difficulties with: |
Never Rarely Sometimes Mostly Always |
23. Moods? |
24. Depression? |
25. Anger? |
26. Fears? |
27. Negativity? |
28. Restlessness? |
29. Boredom? |
30. Emotional numbness? |
31. Stress? |