Alive with Raw Foods

2-day weekend

There are no dates currently scheduled.

Please join us for a most delicious adventure in the kitchen, with living foods education and fun. You will enjoy a variety of vibrant meals as well as a bounty of knowledge, recipes, and creative techniques that will spice up your relationship with food and the Creator of food.

As you prepare the raw meals for your weekend with raw food chefs Tyler Hansen and Devadasi Forrester, you will learn:

  • How to make cashew cheese, raw lasagna, sushi rolls, rawviolis, salad dressings, smoothies, and decadent desserts—all loaded with living energy
  • How to transition into eating more raw food meals
  • Tips for easy raw foods preparation
  • Raw snacks and foods to have on hand
  • How to balance your meals: good food combining to aid digestion
  • How to get your protein
  • The health benefits of live foods
  • Good alternatives for when you want food that is warm or cooked
  • How to get started: basic tools and foods to have on hand

Whether you are new to raw foods or already familiar with them, this gently balanced integration of raw food cuisine will bring a refreshing and inspiring change to your lifestyle, giving you more time and energy to dedicate to your spiritual path.

Our group will live together in the beautiful Gaia House and share our meals there, as well as guided morning and evening yoga postures combined with meditation to soothe body, mind, and spirit. You will find deep relaxation as we discover together the art and joy of toxin-free living.

About your instructors, Tyler Hansen and Devadasi Forrester

Tyler studied under and served for 3 years as a sous chef for award-winning raw foods chef Mary Grayr in her restaurant, Mary’s Secret Garden, in Ventura, CA. There he helped prepare raw foods for special events, as well as every day for the restaurant. Learning the basics from her, he began to add his own creative dishes, which Mary incorporated into her restaurant’s menu. He has continued with the art of living food cuisine for two years since then and delights in sharing the secrets of this wonderful approach to food.

Devadasi has studied nutrition and holistic health for the past 35 years. She first studied raw food with Victoria Boutenko 10 years ago in Ashland, Oregon. Since then she has assisted many in understanding the effects of diet on one's energy level and consciousness.  Devadasi and her husband, Alex, have helped launch a Permaculture Food Forest at Ananda Village as a demonstration of sustainable agriculture.

Holistic Health Workshops and Free Resources:

Free Radiant Health Resources

Center for Radiant Health

International Health Retreats

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14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, California 95959
Toll free 800-346-5350
Outside US 530-478-7518

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