Career Coaching:
Careers for Heart and Spirit

Pushpa (Kathleen) Rainbow
Achieve transformation, joy, fulfillment, and peace – in your career and in your life!
This program is for you, if:
- you don’t look forward to going to work
- your current career is not helping you grow personally and spiritually
- you’re bored, and / or you want to be guided from within in your career and in your life
Careers for Heart and Spirit is a career-planning program that will help you determine the career to pursue in order to be fulfilled using your skills, strengths, and special gifts.
The program includes:
- 5 half-hour over-the-phone career coaching sessions with Pushpa
- A 150-page workbook
The coaching helps you act for your highest good and stay inspired, motivated, and on-track during career transition. The coaching helps you feel supported during what can be a stressful time in your life.
The cost of the program is only $249 (which can be paid by credit card), and includes the workbook and 5 half-hour, over-the-phone coaching sessions.
Begin now to bring peace and joy into your career and your life!
“The coaching sessions were invaluable. Your direction and support kept me focused and gave me the confidence I needed to complete the tasks. I've finally found my Career for Heart and Spirit. No words can express my gratitude. I'm indebted to you and Careers for Heart and Spirit, and I am forever grateful.”
- Rose S., San Jose, California
Arrange a free overview session
A free overview can be arranged with Pushpa – it can take place over a meal or over the phone. To make an appointment for an overview session, please call 530-478-7703.
About Pushpa (Kathleen) Rainbow
Pushpa is your career coach. She was a Fortune 500 corporate executive for 10 years, where she served as a National Recruiter and also National Management Training Director, responsible for training managers throughout the United States. She has been an intuitive counselor for 12 years.
Pushpa has been on the spiritual path and meditating for 30 years. She directed a number of spiritual centers and has made many radio and TV appearances. She has shared the yogic teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda since 1986, and is an Ananda minister and a resident of Ananda Village.
She is a certified massage therapist, certified Careers for Heart and Spirit coach, EFT Adv. and a certified Ananda Yoga® and Meditation teacher.
The Center for Radiant Health is an independent entity from The Expanding Light Retreat.