Ananda Yoga® Teacher Training Level 2
Registered with Yoga Alliance at 500 hours
Advanced Teacher Training
Level 2 certification explores the deeper aspects of Ananda Yoga®, with a focus on meditation, yoga philosophy, pranayama, asana, refinement of teaching skills, and personal spiritual growth. It involves 300 hours of coursework beyond the 200 hours of Yoga Teacher Training Level 1.
Level 2 is modular in format, and the course modules are spread out over a span of time. It has three components:
- Coursework
- Teaching experience at home
- Final Teaching Practicum
See below for more info. There is no time limit for completing Level 2.
Any Yoga Alliance RYT may transfer into Ananda’s Level 2 certification via the Bridge to Ananda Yoga course.
Level 2 Courses
Advanced Pranayama
7 days in person
Advanced yogic breathing techniques (practice and teaching), how to teach Energization, and more depth on the astral body.
Ananda Meditation® Teacher Training 1
10 weeks online
Training includes the basic technique taught by Paramhansa Yogananda, a variety of supplemental techniques, teaching methodology, and practice teaching. Graduates can join the Network of Ananda Meditation teachers (free).
Ananda Yoga® Assistantship
13 days in person; online version coming soon
Extensive experience in adapting asanas for students’ individual needs, whether those needs are due to injuries, inflexibility, or trauma.
Living the Yoga Sutras
The Bhagavad Gita: Bring Its Power into Daily Living (Online)Each course is 6 weeks online
Explore yoga’s most profound—yet totally practical—wisdom in these two in-depth courses. They spotlight the highway to Self-realization.
Asana Intensive for Yoga Teachers
7 days in person
Explore the biomechanics, practice, teaching, and modification of Ananda Yoga asanas beyond those covered in Level 1 Yoga Teacher Training. These are the asanas formerly covered in the in-person versions of the Bhagavad Gita and Yoga Sutras courses. Some asanas are more advanced, while others are simply different.
Spiritual Counseling Training
6 weeks online
Learn to counsel from a deeper, intuitive, spiritual perspective, whether your counseling is informal and only occasional, or part of your professional service.
Elective Courses
Credit hours shown are approximate
Note: For those who graduated from Level 1 Ananda Yoga Teacher Training in 2011 or later—and for those entering Level 2 Ananda YTT via the Bridge to Ananda Yoga—the above courses are required for Level 2 certification; none of the elective courses below are needed. Those who graduated before 2011 have the option to substitute any of the following elective courses for Spiritual Counseling Training, provided the total course hours add up to at least 25 hours.
Meditation Solutions (web page coming soon)
2 weeks online (20 hours)
Deepen your practice and develop more teaching skills.
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
3 days in person (15+ hrs); 5 weeks online (30 hours)
Learn Ananda’s unique approach to this valuable practice.
Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 Programs Scheduled
Teaching Experience at Home
You need at least 100 hours of experience as a lead teacher (not an assistant) after having completed Level 1 Ananda YTT or Bridge to Ananda Yoga.
Final Teaching Practicum
Once you complete the Level 2 coursework, your last step is to satisfactorily complete a final 3-hour teaching exercise:
- Yogananda’s Energization Exercises (one hour)
- Ananda-style asana and pranayama practice (one hour)
- Ananda-style meditation (one hour)
The practicum is done by videoing your own teaching at home. As you approach the end of your Level 2 coursework, please contact the director of Ananda Yoga for a detailed description of the practicum. By the time you video your practicum, you should already have teaching experience in all three of the above areas.
Registration with Yoga Alliance
Ananda’s Level 1 and Level 2 Yoga Teacher Trainings are registered with Yoga Alliance at 200 and 500 hours, respectively. Graduates are eligible to become Registered Yoga Teachers with Yoga Alliance.
Yoga Teacher Support Center
This is the largest service of its kind to help yoga teachers reach their students on all levels — and it’s free. more...
Ananda Yoga Resources
The Dr. Dean Ornish Program for Reversing Heart Disease is currently looking for yoga teachers/stress management specialists trained by Ananda. Read more...
Level 2 Yoga Teacher Training

Nursing CEU Eligible: 86 hours
“This was the best month of my life – truly a life-transforming experience…”
– C. S., Fresno, California
How to Choose a
Yoga Teacher Training Program

“My 4 weeks of Ananda Yoga Teacher Training was one of the most fulfilling and spiritually transforming periods in my life. All of the instructors, along with the entire Ananda community, were very supportive and nurturing.”
– R. F., Lake Bluff, Illinois