Ananda Yoga Teachers Association
Free (donation requested) for all Ananda YTT graduates

We invite you to join if you have graduated from Ananda YTT at any of the following locations:

  • The Expanding Light at Ananda Village
  • Ananda Seattle
  • Ananda Portland
  • Ananda Assisi
  • Ananda College of Living Wisdom


When and How to Donate

You can donate any time you wish, in any of three ways:

  • Donate Online This link takes you to The Expanding Light's donation site, "Become an Angel." Please go to the comment field at the bottom and enter "AYTA," so your donation goes to Ananda Yoga Teachers' Association.
  • Call The Expanding Light at 1-800-346-5350 and donate with a credit card
  • Send a check (in $US, payable to The Expanding Light) to The Expanding Light, 14618 Tyler Foote Rd., Nevada City, CA 95959

Please be sure to indicate that your donation is for the Ananda Yoga Teachers Association. (If donating online, you can indicate that in the comments box.) Your donations go toward supporting the benefits you receive.

It’s Simple to Join

Fill out the form below. As soon as we confirm your graduate status, you will become an AYTA member indefinitely, with no need to renew annually. (You can opt out at any time.) Your name, city, state/province, and zip/postal code (but not your street address, phone, or email address) will be published in our online directory so potential students can find you.

Join soon so you won’t miss a thing!

First Name(s)
Last Name(s)
Re-enter E-mail
State / Province
Postal Code
Location of your Ananda YTT
Date of graduation

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Any comments or questions?

Please type the verification code s2tair in the box:

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14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, California 95959
Toll free 800-346-5350
Outside US 530-478-7518

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