Dora Anderson

Dora Anderson

Spiritual Travel Host, Certified Ananda Yoga Teacher and Registered Nurse

As a member of the Ananda South Bay Meditation Group in the Los Angeles basin, Dora has been affiliated with Ananda for many years. She completed her Ananda Yoga®️ 200-hour Teacher Certification course in 2010 at Ananda Village, and has traveled internationally with Ananda Spiritual Travels six times over the past 13 years. Most recently she participated in Ananda's Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage in Spain in 2019. Dora is a native Spanish speaker and joyfully loves being of service in intercultural experiences. She currently works as a career registered nurse for LA County and lives in Hermosa Beach, California.

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14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, California 95959
Toll free 800-346-5350
Outside US 530-478-7518

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