Nayaswami Krishnadas

Led by Nayaswami Krishnadas

Yogananda's Teachings on the Bible

3-day weekend

There are no dates currently scheduled.

Based on Yogananda’s original Second Coming of Christ, written in the 1930s, and on Revelations of Christ, recently written by Swami Kriyananda, based on Yogananda's teachings:

  • The birth of Jesus – the advent of the Avatar;
  • Jesus the Man vs. Jesus the Christ;
  • The mysterious “lost years” of Jesus;
  • Yogic interpretations of the Holy Trinity,
    the origins of good and 
    Revelations of Christ
    evil, free will vs. karma, reincarnation, the Christ Consciousness, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and other profound passages in the Bible;
  • Jesus as a yogi, and his teachings on meditation;
  • How to discover your own inner Christ.

An inspiring way to spend Easter weekend, culminating in Ananda's Sunday Service led by the spiritual directors of Ananda Worldwide.

"This seminar is an extraordinarily profound and insightful look at how Yogananda and his teachings are the modern-day continuation of Christ's teachings from the Bible. The course was inspiring and moving. Krishnadas worked for years with Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Yogananda, and is thus only two persons removed from the source. He is inspiriing, fascinating, and lively. He very much included the participants' experiences and viewpoints in the discussion."
—Luc Bonsteel, Tiburon, CA

"The class more than met any possible expectations! The preparation and amazing coverage of a great deal of material was expertly handled. Krishnadas engaged us with spiritual intuition of needed interpretation. Both gracious and wise, he covered many topics, including our personal  spiritual potential."—Victoria Morse, Redding, CA 

Revelations of Christ

Based on Yogananda’s original Second Coming of Christ, written in the 1930s, and on Revelations of Christ, recently written by Swami Kriyananda, based on Yogananda's teachings:

  • The birth of Jesus – the advent of the Avatar;
  • Jesus the Man vs. Jesus the Christ;
  • The mysterious “lost years” of Jesus;
  • Yogic interpretations of the Holy Trinity, the origins of good and evil, free will vs. karma, reincarnation, the Christ Consciousness, and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus;
  • Jesus as a yogi, and his teachings on meditation;
  • How to discover your own inner Christ.

This is a rare opportunity to delve into these precious unpublished writings.

More details about your reservation for Yogananda's Teachings on the Bible

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