Kriyaban Retreat
by approval only
Not scheduled at this time.
This special weekend can transform and permanently uplift your Kriya Yoga Sadhana.
NOTE: The Kriyaban Retreat is for those who have already been initiated into the Kriya Yoga Technique and for those taking Kriya for the first time. For more information on initiation, see
During this 3-day weekend, you'll join together with other Kriya initiates, both new and longtime Kriyabans, as well as Kriyacharyas (Kriya ministers) to explore the depth and practice of the technique, how to deepen your life as a Kriya Yogi and to make your practice more effective.
Kriya yoga is a vast and deep subject. The Kriya yoga path and techniques are the most precious part of the Kriyaban’s life. We hope you will join us in deepening your Kriya practice.
Prior the Kriyaban Retreat will be our annual Inner Renewal Retreat, also led by Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi, making both retreats into a full contiguous week of upliftment and joy! Sign up for both! See this page for information on the Inner Renewal Retreat.
Kriyaban Retreat Schedule
February 22-25, 2023

All events will take place in the Temple of Light, unless otherwise indicated.
Thursday, February 22
Arrive after 2.00pm, before 4.00pm.
4:45 - 6:30pm Kriya Meditation
6:30pm Dinner
7:45pm Opening Event
Friday, February 23
6:30 - 8:30am Kriya Meditation*
8:30am Breakfast
10:30am Kriya Yoga: Divine Gift for Liberation
with Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi
12:30pm Lunch
1:45 - 3:15pm Class and/or discussion
5:30pm First Kriya Ceremony
8:30pm Light dinner in Silence
Saturday, February 24
6:30–8:30am First Kriya Review—Lahiri Temple
6:30- 8:30am Kriya Meditation*
8:30am Breakfast
10:30am Gift of Kriya in Daily life with Nayaswami Parvati, Nayaswami Ananta, Kriyacharya Devalila, Nayaswami Pranaba
12:30pm Lunch
Afternoon in Silence or Kriya checking
5:30pm Second Kriya Initiation— Expanding Light Teaching Temple
5:30pm Third & fourth Kriya Initiation
8:30pm Light dinner in silence
For those not taking Higher Kriya:
4:30pm Meditation — Crystal Hermitage (meet at registraiton desk for rideshare)
6:30pm Dinner in silence
7:30pm. Informal satsang — Hansa Temple
Sunday, February 25
6:00- 8:00am First Kriya Meditation — Lahir Temple
6:00- 8:00am Second Kriya Review — Wisdom Classroom
6:00 - 8:00am Third & Fourth Kriya Review — Joy Classroom
8:30am Breakfast
10:00am Purification Ceremony
11:00am Sunday Service
12:30pm Lunch
*Alternate places for meditation (on your own) are Lahiri Temple, Moksha Mandir or Swami Kriyananda’s apartment.

Comments about past Kriyaban Retreats:
"The Kriya retreat weekend was incredibly special and deep. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed all the classes, meditations, and events of the weekend. It was enormously recharging." M.B., Portland, OR
"It was the most incredible Kriyaban weekend I have ever experienced (and there have been many). After the talks on Saturday by Nayaswamis Jaya, Dharmadas and Dhyana, I was moved to blissful tears. The predominate thought that came to my mind was, “if ever I needed living proof that the Kriya yoga of our Masters works – I had just witnessed it in a way that was beyond all doubt. Of course I had witnessed it in our beloved Swamiji, too, but now I was seeing it and hearing it with my own eyes and ears in my gurubhais who have grown into shining examples of the light that is the fruit of the practice of Kriya yoga. All kriyabans who can, should listen to the talks and should plan to be at the Kriyaban retreat next year!"—Nayaswami Jayanti
"All I can say is every moment was exquisite. I now see many brilliant facets of the sacred diamond, Kriya Yoga, that I had never seen before. I came away grateful and having reverence for the sacred blessing and responsibility of our discipleship and Kriya initiation. I was awed by the level of wisdom, insight, and inspiration each speaker shared, revealing the extraordinary fruit of their spiritual practices. It ignited my Kriya practice!" —M.H., Nevada City, CA
"I felt the speakers delivered 'the experience', all fresh and with new approaches to deepening our Kriyas. Bimal and I drove home on Monday and talked about this for about 8 hours straight! We loved every minute of it." —P.W., Portland, CA
"I thought this Retreat was the best I have come to. But then every event now gets better and better! I am sure the Saturday panel’s talks were the best I had ever heard." —C.B., Palo Alto, CA
"I heard exactly what I needed to hear at the Kriyaban Retreat. Have been doing my Kriyas regularly since returning home. Had gotten sick back in the winter and let my practices get sparse. I felt like it was a mini Spiritual Renewal Week." —M.F., Texas
"A blessing indeed. My heart was bursting more than once. The first thing that comes to mind was the class with Jaya, Dharmadas, and Dhyana—Incredible, rich, loving. Huge heart opener. Gyandev’s class reminded me of the power of Yoga in general, and for our Kriya practice. Very helpful. It re-inspired my practice. I can never get too much of Jyotish and Devi. God’s gift to us, everytime. It was a great weekend. This is the same review I write for every weekend: Inspiring, Helpful Joyful. Blessed, truly."—M.M., Lake Tahoe, CA
"I really loved the Kriya weekend and felt both inspired and uplifted. The talks were beautiful. I love group meditations -- they really help me meditate deeper and longer, something that is more challenging at home." —L.L., Mt Shasta, CA
"The concentrated time helped me to open and deepen my attunement with Master more strongly. And receiving initiation was the perfect culmination that again strengthened my connection with God and Guru."—J.P., Nevada City, CA

For more information, please send us a Question or Comment:
No dates scheduled for Kriyaban Retreat at this time.
Prices are all-inclusive and cover accommodations, meals, classes or activities, and course materials.
Kriyaban Retreat starts the afternoon of the first date listed and ends with lunch on the last date listed. Check-in is anytime between 1:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. at our Front Desk. Your room will be available by 3:00 p.m. Dinner is at 6:30. The first gathering of your group is after dinner.
Please see:
You can add extra personal retreat days before and/or after your program. Check availability and costs for the days and accommodations that you require.
Kriyaban Retreat starts the afternoon of the first date listed. It’s ideal to arrive before 4 pm, if you are able to. That way, you can join in the afternoon session of yoga and meditation, which begins at 4:45 pm. Dinner is at 6:30. The first real gathering of your group is at 7:30 pm. If you need to arrive here after 5 pm, that’s fine, but it helps us if you let us know at 800-346-5350. We can also put aside a dinner for you if you need to arrive after 7 pm. The program ends with lunch on the last date. Please see our Daily Schedule.
See Transportation and Directions whether you are coming by plane, car, bus or train. Our Frequent Questions page answers many of the questions you might have about How to Go on Retreat.