Achieving Inner Peace & Tranquility
A Flow Series Retreat
Not scheduled at this time.
with Nayaswami Mantradevi

A Flow Series Program: Would you like to have inner peace and greater self-mastery? Are you tired of carrying around old hurts, resentments, and guilt? Of automatically over-reacting or impulsively responding in negative ways?
Let’s face it, negative moods of rebellion, anger, and depression affect all of us from time to time. No matter how sincere we are spiritually, these habits from the past can ambush us and rob us of our joy. Exaggerated enthusiasm, attachments, and attractions can also make us off-center and less able to cope effectively with life.
Is it possible to be, as Yoga suggests, "even-minded and cheerful" at all times? This course will give you the steps to make that goal part of your reality.
This course is filled with experiential exercises, discussion, and living examples. It also includes the Full Circle Emotional Awareness Exercises. These exceptional exercises, based on Secrets of Emotional Healing by Swami Kriyananda, explore 26 different emotions, showing underlying causes plus effective techniques to work with each emotion.