Flow Series with Mantradevi: Flow into your higher Self
Personal Transformation Retreats, customized to accelerate your spiritual unfoldment
Reinvent, Discover, Go on an Inner Personal Transformational journey.
This series is specifically designed to give you information and techniques to access, flow into, and become your true higher Self.
- Discover new and illuminating information about your inner capabilities
- Utilize Paramhansa Yogananda's power tools to readily flow into your higher Self
- Integrate all levels of your being for wholistic healing
- Reinforce inner strength and deepen your intuition
- Identify, then change what needs to be changed to attain your highest potential
- Learn to create structures that naturally attract to you the results you want in life
- Meditation, whether new, or already a practice, will be presented in fresh ways as a tool for accessing the boundless expansion of your consciousness
- Expand your capacity for joyful, fruitful living and transform your life into one of inner peace and happiness
Each retreat in the Flow Series focuses on a different facet of life, giving you the opportunity to develop strength and clarity in all areas.
- Each retreat stands on its own and you can take them in any order.
- Each retreat will reinforce your inner strength, clarify your mind and deepen your intuitive ability.
- Each retreat will take you further and deeper into finding the keys to unlock your own unique treasure trove to flowing into your higher Self.
This Series is led by Mantradevi. A long-time teacher, Nayaswami Mantradevi has taught hundreds of people how to access their own inner keys to happiness through yoga, emotional healing, creativity, and meditation. In these courses she draws together the best from her years of experience in teaching and counseling.

Weekend Retreats in the Flow Series
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14618 Tyler Foote Rd
Nevada City, California 95959
Toll free 800-346-5350
Outside US 530-478-7518
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