Ganesha and Saraswati
Ananda Meditation Teachers

Married by Swami Kriyananda in 1976 at Ananda’s original Meditation Retreat, Ganesha and Saraswati are long-time Ananda members and ministers. Over the years they have put the spiritual teachings to the test while raising their two children, serving as Ananda Center Leaders in San Francisco and Sacramento, teaching numerous meditation classes, giving Sunday services, and even starting a meditation group in Italian, while they were living in Italy for five years.
Ganesha is a certified Ananda Yoga teacher, and has also worked for decades as an engineer while supporting his family of four. With a natural scientific bent, Ganesha brings a practical groundedness to his teaching of yoga and meditation, which many students find both helpful and refreshing.
With her background in education, language, intuitive counseling, and art, Saraswati helps students enjoy themselves, and get to the heart and core inspiration of what they are learning.
Both Ganesha and Saraswati are warm and fun-loving. They help people experience the greater sense of peace and deep inner knowing that can be gained through meditation. Students give them rave reviews for their ability to make meditation clear and workable, and for creating a memorable weekend experience.
Staff Teachers
- Arya Cheng
- Brahmachari Dhananjaya Denholm
- Catherine Kairavi
- Diksha McCord
- Gyandev McCord
- Krishnadas LoCicero
- Mangala (Sue) Loper-Powers
- Mantradevi LoCicero
- Melody Hansen
- Sundara Traymar
- Trimurti Motyka
Guest Teachers
- Alba Simaku
- Amala Cathleen Elliott
- Annapurna DeLyle
- Atman Goering
- Badri Matlock
- Barbara Bingham
- Bhawani Isaacson
- Carianne James
- Dana Lynne Andersen
- David Kletter
- David Seybert
- Dayavati Barsic
- Devalila Veenhof
- Dhyan Garcia-Davis
- Dr. Peter Van Houten
- Erin Vinacco
- Ganesha
- Gayatri Kretzmann
- Irene Schulman
- Jaya Bottaro-Salisbury
- Jitendra Guindon
- Joseph Selbie
- Julie Roberts
- Karen Buckner
- Keshava Betts
- Keshava Taylor
- Lakshmi LaPine
- Maitri Jones
- Matthew Fredrickson
- Michele Tsihlas
- Miriam Rodgers
- Mukti Deranja
- Murali Venkatrao
- Nayaswami Devi
- Nayaswami Jaya
- Nayaswami Jyotish
- Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi Novak
- Nayaswami Maria
- Nayaswami Pranaba
- Nayaswami Pranaba and Nayaswami Parvati
- Nayaswami Premdas
- Nayaswami Sagar
- Nayaswami Sahaja
- Nicole DeAvilla
- Peter Sanjaya Kretzmann
- Saiganesh Sairaman
- Sambhava Burke
- Sanjan Thelen
- Shanti Rubenstone, M.D.
- Shyama Garcia Davis
- Therese Smith
- Tim Tschantz
- Tracy Anderson
- Uma Bottaro
- Vahini Sleighter
- Vivekadevi Noh-Kuhn
- Yudhisthira Doug Andrews